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Shifting the Gaze: Painting and Feminism September 12, January 30, 2011

'Over the past fifty years, feminists have defied an art world dominated by men, deploying direct action and theory while making fundamental changes in their everyday lives. Shifting the Gaze: Painting and Feminism explores the widespread influence of feminist practice on the styles and methods of painting from the 1960s to the present. The provocative paintings on view here embody the tension between individual expression and collective politics, between a traditional medium and radical action.' 

This is quoted from the website. I will however see if I can get hold of an exhibition catalogue so I can consider in more depth the "provocative paintings".


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Material matters.

Thank-you to every one that attended my talk on Tuesday, and for all the questions. It's interesting that although I stood up and talked for sometime in the lecture theatre It often takes me some time and courage to ask questions. If you do want anything clarified please feel free to ask me, either here in the comments section or by email. All feedback is also useful, it was the first time I had used media clips in a presentation. I hope they added some clarity to the talk, what do you think?  I would be delighted to know.I have attempted to give references to all the artists and information covered but again if you can't find the information you need  in 'Painting matters' let me know. Sarah