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DIY Bain Marie. A couple of tin cans/water and a hotplate.

To heat up the wax for encaustic and the rabbit skin for sizing we used a small commercial double boiler. I just thought I would post a DIY alternative, I use this method in my studio and it seems to work reasonably well. 

However I was talking to Andy and he mentioned that you can use sand instead of water. The advantage is that the sand keeps the tin cans upright. (I usually get around this by heating 3 cans at the same time) I will defiantly try the sand and post the results. 

A Double boiler or one that use's two pans which fit together has the advantage that you can pour the wax/size much easier. 


  1. Thanks for the information me having doubt about this bain maries heating process… when I reading this discussion I got the clear points.. thanks for the information really help to me… thank you so much...

    Bain Maries


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